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Image by Debbie Molle

Resources for the Tourism Industry


Below you will find information regarding funding programs for tourism and tourist revitalization.


Please note that funding programs have their own rules, including eligibility requirements, deadlines and application procedures. Visiting a program’s website for detailed information is recommended.


Federal Resources

Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada provides a list of financial supports available to tourism businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic. I have highlighted several of these measures as follows:

  • The Highly Affected Sectors Credit Availability Program (HASCAP) Guarantee is a new program for businesses heavily impacted by COVID-19, such as those in the tourism and hospitality sector. The HASCAP allows eligible businesses to access guaranteed, low-interest loans of $25,000 to $1 million to cover operational cash flow needs.

  • Western Economic Diversification Canada (WD) is the Federal Government’s regional development agency for the four western provinces. WD delivers the Regional Relief and Recovery Fund to support western Canadian businesses that have been impacted by COVID-19. 25% of the funding is reserved for the tourism sector.

  • Tourism and Hospitality Student Work Placement Program: Aimed squarely at the tourism and hospitality sector, the Propel Student Work Placement Program is helping the hardest-hit sector recover from the devastating impacts of the pandemic. Funded by the Government of Canada's Work Placement Program, Propel offers post-secondary students opportunities to develop the work-ready skills required to secure meaningful employment upon graduation. Qualifying employers are provided with a wage subsidy for each qualifying student hired through the program. 


You may also wish to consult the New Support for Tourism and Hospitality webpage, published on November 30, 2020. The Federal Government’s Budget 2021, which will be presented on April 19, 2021, may include additional measures for the tourism industry.


Provincial Resources


Damien C. Kurek, M.P.

Battle River--Crowfoot 

4945 50 St  Camrose AB  T4V 1P9


Phone: 1.800.665.4358

Text: 403.575.5625

Social: @dckurek


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