Battle River--Crowfoot
Photo submitted by Carrie Haugen

Located in the heart of East Central Alberta, Battle River--Crowfoot is proud to be one of the most Conservative regions in Canada. Former MP Kevin Sorenson was regularly elected with some of the highest margins of victory in the country. In the 2019 General Election, your Conservative Party of Canada candidate Damien C. Kurek won with the highest percentage of any MP in Canada, winning 85.5% of the popular vote.
Consisting of that part of the Province of Alberta described as follows: commencing at the intersection of the east boundary of said province with the northerly limit of the Municipal District of Wainwright No. 61; thence generally northwesterly along said limit to the easterly limit of Beaver County; thence generally northwesterly, generally southeasterly and generally westerly along the easterly, northerly and westerly limits of said county to the easterly limit of Leduc County; thence northerly and westerly along the easterly and northerly limits of said county to Highway No. 21; thence southerly and generally southeasterly along
said highway to the northerly limit of Camrose County; thence westerly and generally southerly along the northerly and westerly limits of said county to the westerly limit of Stettler County No. 6; thence generally southerly along said limit to the northeasterly corner of Kneehill County; thence generally westerly and generally southerly along the northerly and westerly limits of said county to Township Road 314; thence easterly along said road to Highway No. 806; thence southerly along said highway to Highway No. 582; thence generally easterly along said highway and Highway No. 27 to the left bank of the Red Deer River; thence generally southerly along said bank to the westerly limit of the Town of Drumheller; thence generally southeasterly along said limit to the westerly limit of Special Area No. 2; thence generally southeasterly, easterly, southerly and generally northeasterly along the westerly and southerly limits of said special area to the east boundary of the Province of Alberta; thence north along said boundary to the point of commencement.
Elections Canada
For more information on Battle River-Crowfoot, and for voter information, visit www.elections.ca.