Parliament is sitting once again, and Canada’s Conservatives are ready to get back to work on Parliament Hill. With our new leader, the Hon. Pierre Poilievre, Canada has a steady hand at the helm of His Majesty’s Official Opposition, and we are ready to address the issues that matter to you and your fellow Canadians.
The role of the Official Opposition is to provide feedback on government policies and to ensure the ruling government is held to account. It’s in this role Conservatives have insisted action must be taken to curb inflation and address the affordability crisis. For years, we have signalled the Liberals’ agenda of overspending, business-killing red tape, and anti-oil and gas sentiment would suffocate the Canadian economy and contribute to inflation but… they ignored our warnings and are seeing the consequences of that.
Many Canadians are facing hardship as their hard-earned dollars are worth less than they were a year ago as inflation eats up their money. Food prices are up 10.8%, inflation is at 7%, and interest rates were raised to 3.25%. With this adversity, there is no financial relief for Canadians as they are finding it harder and harder to make ends meet.
Conservatives have made it clear that we are willing to work with the Government and any party that will acknowledge the challenges we face as a nation, such as showing fiscal restraint and a commitment to not raise taxes. Further, Canada’s Conservatives have outlined how we would tackle the affordability crisis. We would cap inflation-causing government spending with a Pay-As-You-Go Law requiring the government to find a dollar of savings for each new dollar of spending, scrap the carbon tax to reduce the cost of fuel, and remove red tape and gatekeepers to allow businesses, farmers, and workers to produce more affordable energy, food, and housing. These are all measures we can implement when we are in government and advocate for while we wait to be elected as your next government.
I have heard it loud and clear from the people of Battle River-Crowfoot: life is getting more expensive. Conservatives have been listening to you, and we are finding solutions to help Canadians who are struggling, and ensuring that your future is not held back by the shortfalls of government. By getting out of Canadians’ way, we can foster innovation and grow the economy so we can all live in a better society led by incentives and merit.
It is my hope, with the solutions Conservatives have proposed and will continue to present, that Canadians will look to themselves and build with us to work towards a better future for all. It is deeply important to me that Canadians are able to thrive and be free.