The story of Jesus's birth reminds us of the hope, peace, and joy which can restore our faith amid even the most difficult of circumstances. This year, this message is even more important as many face challenges.
Canada’s economic and inflationary situation has left a lot of folks struggling financially; the illegal invasion of Ukraine has brought war closer to home for the first time in many of our lifetimes; the famine in many places; political division about any number of subjects; and instability around the world have all been significant challenges this past year.
Yet in the midst of these challenges, the message of hope still rings true. We have persevered throughout our history as a nation because we stood together, driving a path forward toward a better tomorrow. Crises of different varieties, from war to political division to recession have come and gone, but Canada and its people have persevered. The story of Christmas and the legacy of faith in Canada’s story is significant and lays a strong foundation for our nation’s future.
As your Member of Parliament, I have seen first-hand the generosity and charitable nature of those in east-central Alberta. I rose in the House of Commons a few weeks ago to address the need for anyone who can to support local food banks or other charitable initiatives that aim to help the most vulnerable among us. This is more important as many folks are feeling the effects of our economic challenges, and in many cases are unable to be as generous as in years past. I would encourage anyone who can to donate even the smallest amount. For someone less fortunate, down the street or across the world, it can mean the difference between having a merry Christmas or going hungry.
Regardless of where someone is at, whether they enter the holidays with high prospects or they are facing challenges, it is the story of Jesus’ birth and resurrection that provides the hope needed in the midst of every circumstance. In the Gospel of John Chapter 14, verse 27 Jesus says: “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.” Christmas is the perfect occasion to be reminded that there is hope.
And finally, I pass along my best Christmas wishes to those who face challenging circumstances around Christmas, like the men and women of the Canadian Armed Forces who won't be with their families due to deployment, as well as our front-line workers whose work doesn't stop, and those who have faced loss and may be alone over the holidays.
From Danielle, my boys, and myself, and on behalf of the Parliament of Canada and all the people of Battle River—Crowfoot, I wish you and your loved ones a merry Christmas and blessings in the new year.